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How to install Android 13 on almost every device | GSI Rom

Android 13 has been available now, this guide will show you how to download and install Android 13 GSI on your smartphone.
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Android 12 has been available for months now, and we’ve also seen Android 12L betas rolling out in recent weeks. Google isn’t stopping here, though, as it’s now announced the release of the Android 13.

Android 13

Android 13 is build for user privacy with photo picker and notification permission. Improve productivity with themed app icons, per-app languages, and clipboard preview. Build for modern standards like Bluetooth LE Audio and MIDI 2.0 over USB. Deliver a better experience on tablets and large screens. But what if you want to actually install this on your phone? Well, you can flash a system image to a compatible phone, and I’ve got a way to do it. Brought to you by Nippon.

Android Version 13
Security Patch 2022-08-05
Supported Devices Arm64 AB
Raw Image Size 2.54 gb
Download Size 1.24 gb

Android 13.zip Pixel 5 GSI Rom 1.24 GB

Android 13 developer preview Android 13 Android 13 Android 13 Android 13 Android 13

Download and Terms

  1. Your phone must be Installed Custom Recovery.
  2. Download Android 13 file (.gz file).
  3. Extract the file using any extractor.
  4. Download Disable_ForceEncrypt_03.04.2020.zip
  5. Copy rom to sd card or pendrive

Install Android 13

  1. Enter TWRP Recovery Mode.
  2. Select Wipe – Advanced (Dalvik, Cache, System and product ) Swipe to wipe.
  3. Format Data
  4. Select Install – select Android 13.img as system, Swipe to confirm Flash.
  5. Select Install - select Disable_ForceEncrypt_03.04.2020.zip, swipe to confirm flash
  6. Select Mount - Mount System and Vendor
  7. Select Advanced - File Manager - Delete vendor/overlays
  8. Select Reboot – System or recovery.
  9. Setup the Phone.
  10. Enjoy the Rom.

Rooting (if necessary)

You can flash Magisk if you want to gain root access on your device. This step is optional.

  1. Change the extension of the Magisk file from “.apk” to “.zip”. This will make it flashable.
  2. Reboot to recovery.
  3. Select install.
  4. Choose the Magisk zip file.
  5. Swipe to confirm flash.
  6. Reboot to system.
  7. Now go to app drawer and click on the Magisk app icon.
  8. Install Magisk Manager. Magisk Manager will ask to do additional setups. Let it do its job and the app will automatically reboot your device.
  9. Done! You can use Root Checker to check it, Enjoy!


In this post I have talked about How to Install Android 13 on almost every device | GSI Rom. Tell us What You Say About The guide by commenting and if you have any questions then contact me at the Contact Us page or message me at telegram. Hope You Enjoy in my website.

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About the Author

Student | Blogger | Developer
A student developer with basic experience on Android development. Buy me a coffee!


  1. Works well and animations are awesome
    1. Glad to hear that
  2. Works for me
    1. Glad to hear that
  3. Does it include Gapps?
    1. No, you've to flash Gapps after installing the rom.
  4. Hi, i am great fan of your work, recently i have installed rasz os in my m30s device . it was awesome and smoother than previous. and i also used one ui 4 ported apps , it is also great. i have planed to install android 13 gsi in my m30s device. is there any volte problem in the custom rom..., i am using JIO Sim. can u please tell me
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