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How to use Jio sim in any non-VoLTE Custom rom

A lot of good GSI ROMs are available. Everything works fine except VoLTE. Here are a few steps one can follow to use Jio sims in any non VoLTE roms.
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A lot of good GSI ROMs are available. Everything works fine except VoLTE. VoLTE does not work with almost every gsi roms for exynos devices.

Jiocalls in Non-VoLTE gsi rom

Though it was primarily circulated that the voice calls doesn’t work on the non VoLTE 4G roms. It’s because Samsung use proprietary IMS implementation (Which is used by VoLTE/VoWifi/ViLTE etc). The codes aren’t available in public so developers can’t enable/port over this function. Here are a few steps one can follow to use Jio sims in any non VoLTE roms.


  1. Download and install Jiocalls App
  2. Open Jiocalls and grant all the access
  3. Configure JioCalls
  4. Try calling or messaging any of your friend

Video Tutorial


The actual catch with the Reliance Jio is that you can't make calls through a non-VoLTE rom, which is a bit of a letdown. That being said, Reliance itself officially launched their own app to solve this issue. It brings VoLTE high-definition voice and video calling on your non VoLTE rom. You can use JioCall with a JioSIM either in the phone or in a JioFi connected to your phone. You can now use your non-VoLTE 4G smart phone to make HD voice and video calls to any landline or mobile number anywhere in the world.


In this post I have talked about how to use a jio sim in a non-VoLTE Custom rom. For more android related stuffs Click here. Tell us What You Say About The guide by commenting and if you have any questions then contact me at the Contact Us also join our telegram channel for more related stuffs. Hope You Enjoy in my Website.

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