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How to remove bootloader warning | Samsung Galaxy M30s

How to remove bootloader warning, how to fix Bootloader warning, remove Bootloader warning, bootloader warning,
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Bootloader warning ⚠

Have you recently unlock your bootloader and want to remove Warning Bootloader Unlock message that comes every time when your device is starting up? Then not worry this article is for you. This tutorial gives you the detail view of How to remove Warning Bootloader Unlocked message from your andriod devices.

Steps to follow to fix Bootloader Unlocked Warning issue 

  1. Download the Param file and move it to download folder (internal storage) 
  2. Download terminal (you can use termux)
  3. Start terminal and gain root access using "su" 
  4. Type / copy this command into the terminal -

dd if=/storage/emulated/0/Download/up_param.tar of=/dev/block/platform/13520000.ufs/by-name/up_param
  • Now simply reboot to recovery or system. 
  • Mission Accomplished. 

This Method will work for every Samsung devices, you just need to edit the Up_Param.tar file of your device.


In this post I have talked about How to remove bootloader warning. Tell us What You Say About The Post by commenting and if you have any questions then comment below or contact me on Contact Us page. Hope You Enjoy in Our Website.

If you want a customised name on boot or Param file for a different device comment below or message me on telegram.

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A student developer with basic experience on Android development. Buy me a coffee!


  1. Thanks worked perfectly
  2. Anonymous
    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
  3. Hello. up param on Samsung a32 4g, you can.
    1. For now this method only works for Exynos based devices and as A32 isn't based on it so it won't work.
  4. Hi, this worked for me till CVJ1 but with CWC1 it isn't working anymore. Do you know about this?
  5. for galaxy flip 3 SM-F711B ?
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